Full disclosure: Tammy Hughes
has been part of the Big Back Grips story since we first launched in
2007. She has been on our packaging, our website, at our events and in
our hearts for everything she did to help a start-up take root. For
Tammy is one of the nicest, most generous, most welcoming people we
know. And we’ve been providing Big Back Grips to her husband,
bodybuilder and trainer David Hughes and his clients since about the
same time.
She is also an accomplished fitness competitor, having placed
first in the International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)
Classic in her native Australia. She manages one of Los Angeles’ most
respected gyms. And with David, brings her experience and knowledge to (Big Back Grips dealer!) Get Hughes Nutrition which they own together in Simi Valley, CA. Since Tammy’s also a Big
Back user, we asked her to be part of our Big Back Grips User Profile
BBG: Of course on of the reasons we’re interviewing you is because we know you’re avid Big Back Grips user. What did you use before BBGs and why did you settle on BBGs? How do they help your workout?
TAMMY: Well, I used to use weight lifting gloves. Little pink ones. But let me tell people how I even discovered Big Back Grips: You guys wanted to shoot some pictures in the gym that I managed, and you wanted to use me – ME! – on your packaging. And while I was working out with your grips during the photo shoot, I realized my little pink gloves weren’t doing anything to help my workout. Nothing! They were just, well, pink. The first time I did a set of cable rows with the grips, I knew I didn’t care what color they were. They gave me an amazing set and that was that! And Hollywood Gym became your first retail dealer.
BBG: Professionally, what’s your opinion of other weight lifting grips and other solutions, especially weight lifting straps?
TAMMY: Chalk is ok, but kills your hands. And a lot of gyms don’t allow it anymore. And gloves, well, gloves are just gloves. They may pad, but they don’t grip. Weight lifting straps http://bigbackgrips.com/dangle-and-strangle/are just not good. Not good at all. Too many bruises. Too easy to injure your wrists. There you go.
BBG: Of course on of the reasons we’re interviewing you is because we know you’re avid Big Back Grips user. What did you use before BBGs and why did you settle on BBGs? How do they help your workout?
TAMMY: Well, I used to use weight lifting gloves. Little pink ones. But let me tell people how I even discovered Big Back Grips: You guys wanted to shoot some pictures in the gym that I managed, and you wanted to use me – ME! – on your packaging. And while I was working out with your grips during the photo shoot, I realized my little pink gloves weren’t doing anything to help my workout. Nothing! They were just, well, pink. The first time I did a set of cable rows with the grips, I knew I didn’t care what color they were. They gave me an amazing set and that was that! And Hollywood Gym became your first retail dealer.
BBG: Professionally, what’s your opinion of other weight lifting grips and other solutions, especially weight lifting straps?
TAMMY: Chalk is ok, but kills your hands. And a lot of gyms don’t allow it anymore. And gloves, well, gloves are just gloves. They may pad, but they don’t grip. Weight lifting straps http://bigbackgrips.com/dangle-and-strangle/are just not good. Not good at all. Too many bruises. Too easy to injure your wrists. There you go.